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It All Begins With Culture: Building Strong Foundations With Everything DiSC®

The Importance of Culture in the Workplace

A healthy company culture is the backbone of many of today’s most successful businesses. Culture impacts whether a business thrives or dies. The values, behaviors, and shared vision within an organization can significantly influence its growth and performance. A strong culture fosters innovation, drives employee engagement and satisfaction, and attracts top talent so that your team can function more efficiently and effectively. Regardless of the metrics you use for success, there is likely a cause-and-effect relationship with culture. 

At LeaderSharp, we are advocates for building better leaders through strong company cultures. As an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner, we utilize the Everything DiSC full suite of applications to help bring about lasting, transformational changes to culture.  

Everything DiSC® – The Culture Catalyst™

At its core, Everything DiSC is a personal development learning experience that measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC model. By providing participants with personalized insights into their own behavioral tendencies and those of their colleagues, DiSC® lays the groundwork for building stronger relationships, improving communication, and driving performance. The result is a more engaged and collaborative workforce that can spark meaningful cultural improvement.

Everything DiSC comes to life through a transformational learning model that includes four key components:


The Everything DiSC personality assessment delivers insights that lay the groundwork for inspiring behavioral change. As an Everything DiSC Authorized Partner, LeaderSharp offers the full suite of DiSC assessments. 


Individuals’ profiles offer insight into their own preferences and tendencies as well as actionable strategies for improvement. Participants will also learn more about relating to others. 


The DiSC® profile comes to life in a classroom experience. With our deep product expertise, we transform the Everything DiSC Application Suite into powerful, customized solutions that meet your business’s needs. For remote or hybrid teams, there’s Catalyst, a powerful online learning platform that serves as a single access point throughout participants’ learning journeys. 

Follow-Up Tools

Everything DiSC includes a suite of follow-up resources that make lasting behavior change possible by keeping Everything DiSC alive in the workplace. These resources and tools allow participants to reinforce their learning, deepen their understanding of DiSC principles, and sustain momentum long after the initial assessment.   

Implementing Everything DiSC**

Unlock your people’s potential with the Everything DiSC® Application Suite. At LeaderSharp, we can help teams determine the right tool that best aligns with their organizational needs. Each application is designed to have an immediate and lasting impact.

Everything DiSC Workplace®

Engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work.

Everything DiSC® Management

Teach managers to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people.

Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict

Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses.

Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®

Create impactful leaders through the process of Vision, Alignment, and Execution.

Everything DiSC Agile EQ™

Develop the emotional intelligence necessary to build a thriving agile culture.

Everything DiSC® Sales

Provide salespeople with the skills to adapt to customers’ preferences and expectations.

**Content adapted from ED_Product_Overview_Brochure_07-2023

DiSCovering the Path to a Thriving Culture

It all begins with culture. By partnering with LeaderSharp Group and integrating Everything DiSC®, you are embarking on a transformative journey towards a more engaged, connected, and thriving workplace culture. We are committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your team, fostering a workplace environment where everyone can thrive. As you continue to nurture and strengthen your company culture, you are laying the foundation for long-term success, innovation, productivity, and, ultimately, business growth.

LeaderSharp is a Canadian coaching firm that works with companies nationwide to advance the development of teams and their leaders, including strategic planning and mentorship coaching. We are an Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner, meaning we offer the full suite of Everything DiSC® assessments, workshops, sub-account setup and certifications. Our Calgary team is ready to help guide you to success. Get in touch at (403)-719-0800.

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