
Leadership Circle Profile™

The New Standard For Leadership Development
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The Most Transformative Leadership Development Instrument

Call it a crisis, call it a deficit, but there is a growing concern that the world’s leadership skills are rapidly falling behind the complexity of challenges we face.

At LeaderSharp, we know that the world needs better leaders and we’re committed to the notion of transformational leadership development, which is why we’ve turned to Bob Anderson and Bill Adams’ development of the first Universal Model of Leadership™ and framework for leadership development. Their development of The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a true breakthrough. It is the first of its kind to integrate the psychology of our underlying habits, beliefs, motivations, and behaviours with well-researched leadership competencies. Many LeaderSharp coaches are certified in The Leadership Circle™ for individuals and teams, and we’re confident in their power to elevate your leadership to the next level, from Reactive to Creative.

Are You Ready to Become Better Together?

What the Leadership Circle Profile™
Can Help You Accomplish

The Leadership Circle Profile™ reveals the relationship between patterns of action and internal assumptions that drive behaviour. And, unlike other profiles and assessments that require hours of interpretation, the data from the LCP reveals a treasure trove of information in mere seconds, creating an accessible foundation on which ground-breaking transformation and sustainable growth are not only possible but inevitable.

Enriched Consciousness
and Awareness

The LCP assessment enriches consciousness and awareness by illuminating leadership strengths and developmental opportunities. The Leadership Circle Profile™ centres around revealing a leader’s internal assumptions and world of thought and how those beliefs translate into functional or dysfunctional leadership.

Expanded Mindset to Deal With Uncertainty

Our goal is to expand the minds of executives, managers, and team leads, equipping them to navigate new and complex situations. By fostering deep insights and promoting growth-oriented behaviours, the LCP empowers leaders to embrace ambiguity and lead with confidence and resilience amid uncertainty.

Capacity For Dealing With Change and Complexity

The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a catalyst for leaders to expand their capacity to deal with the complexities and constant change that are often part and parcel of the dynamic intricacies of many corporations. The LCP is unparalleled when it comes to cultivating adaptive leadership capabilities.

Accelerated Leader Development and Capability

As certified coaches in The Leadership Circle™, we view the LCP as a transformational experience that accelerates leader development and capability. By providing comprehensive insights and targeted interventions, the assessment empowers leaders to cultivate their potential and advance overall leadership effectiveness.

Game-Changing Organizational Performance

By assessing, analyzing, and cultivating self-awareness by measuring creative competencies and reactive tendencies, the LCP helps to unlock leaders’ full potential for effective leadership. As leaders experience transformational change, they ignite a ripple effect of excellence across the organization.

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What Kind of Leader Are You?

Understanding the Leadership
Circle Profile™

the leadership circle profile

Creative Competencies

The top half of the Leadership Circle graph outlines the 18 creative competencies that contribute to a leader’s effectiveness.

They are well-researched behaviours and internal assumptions that measure how you relate to others and yourself, act with integrity, lead with vision, and achieve results. The 18 creative competencies were created by Bob Anderson and Bill Adams based on extensive research into both leadership and psychology, and they were selected to measure key habits that lead to high-fulfillment and achievement-oriented leadership.

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The Relating dimension measures a leader's capability to relate to others in a way that brings out the best in people, groups and organizations. It includes five creative competencies, including Caring Connection, Fosters Team Play, Collaborator, Mentoring and Developing, and Interpersonal Intelligence.

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The Self-Awareness dimension measures a leader's orientation to ongoing professional and personal development, as well as the degree to which inner self-awareness is expressed through high integrity leadership. It includes the competencies of Selfless Leader, Balance, Composure, and Personal Learner.

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The Authenticity dimension measures a leader's capability to relate to others in an authentic, courageous and high-integrity manner. Integrity and Courageous Authenticity are the pillars of this dimension.

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Systems Awareness

Systems Awareness uncovers the degree to which the leader's awareness is focused on whole system improvement, productivity, and community welfare. Competencies within this dimension include Community Concern, Sustainable Productivity, and Systems Thinker.

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The Achieving dimension measures the extent to which the leader offers visionary, authentic, and high-achievement leadership. Competencies include Strategic Focus, Purposeful and Visionary, Achieves Results, and Decisiveness.

Reactive Tendencies

The lower half of the LCP graph maps 11 self-limiting Reactive Tendencies and leadership behaviours.

The Reactive dimension reflects inner beliefs and assumptions that limit effectiveness, authentic expression, and empowering leadership while overemphasizing caution, external approval, self-protection, aggression and control. The Leadership Circle Profile™ promotes the evaluation and identification of these tendencies, which all hold inner strengths, to be seen not as weaknesses but as opportunities to develop more thoughtful, compassionate, engaging, and productive leadership qualities.

360 degree leadership assessment
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The Complying dimension measures the extent to which a leader gets a sense of self-worth and security by complying with the expectations of others rather than acting on what he/she intends and wants. The Complying tendencies include Conservative, Pleasing, Belonging, and Passive.

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The Protecting dimension measures the belief that a leader can protect himself/herself and establish a sense of worth through withdrawal, remaining distant, hidden, aloof, cynical, superior, and/or rational. This dimension evaluates a leader’s tendency towards Arrogance, being Critical, and Distance/Withdrawal.

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The Controlling dimension measures the extent to which a leader establishes a sense of personal worth through task accomplishment and personal achievement. It includes four reactive tendencies, Perfect, Driven, Ambition, and Autocratic.


Based on 6 reviews


We have been clients of LeaderSharp for many years. With the merger of 2 companies with different cultures and management that struggled with communication, Lisa and Chris introduced our team to many new practices that we rely on to this day. From tools for better communication, to introducing peer coaching and mentorship, Great Feedback and developing our corporate values. LeaderSharp set us on a path to creating a great culture where our group deeply cares for each other and everyone strives to better themselves every day. I would highly recommend the LeaderSharp team and we are grateful for all of their help over the years.


As a new company, LeaderSharp skillfully guided us through the development of a mission statement and a set of corporate values that our workforce could buy into. They helped our leadership group come together as a team and start working effectively with open and honest communication. They assisted with documenting our five-year strategic plan and then helped us create focused shorter term goals and objectives for each department to ensure that the company was on track to achieve longer term success. I can highly recommend the LeaderSharp team to help your company achieve its corporate objectives.

Rory Moore, President & CEO,
Arctic Canadian Diamond Company.

Leah Sharpe

I have had the pleasure of being coached by Lisa from LeaderSharp and also working with others from the organization. Lisa's coaching has helped me navigate complicated moments in my career - including my return to work after maternity leave, moving into higher profile and more challenging role, and upping my performance as expectations and environments shifted. Through it all, I felt deeply cared for, like I was being connected to resources, books and articles that helped me reflect and grow, and challenged to let go of old stories about myself that were no longer serving me. I feel the identity work Lisa helped me with has been a game changer -- not only because it allowed me to up my game at work, but because it allowed me to more joyful, authentic and self-authoring in all elements of my life.

Tilak Nithiyeswaran

As one of the executive coaches I have had in my professional career, Chris’s contribution to my leadership development has been transformational. Within just one short year of working with Chris, my self-awareness has increased significantly. As a result, I have been able to gradually recognize and remove, the various colored glasses through which I saw the world around me. Chris has instilled in me a genuine desire to become an even better leader and a genuine desire to create even better business results. I found Chris’s approach to be natural and authentic. He is a master at building buy-in to the changes one must consider for themselves, by getting one to generate the ideas for change, from within. I highly recommend Chris as an executive coach to any high potential leader, committed to taking their game to the next level.

Louise Kyprianou

Have been fortunate to work with LeaderSharp! A responsive organization that is well equipped to handle and support both coaching and other consulting needs. They are professional, engaging and passionate about the work that they do!

Creating Better Leaders
Across the Country

executive leadership coaching
executive leadership coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlike a typical lateral leadership assessment, a 360° assessment is designed to gather information about an individual’s underlying behaviours, approaches, impact on others, a balance between Task (results focus) and Relationship (people focus), and other leadership competencies. A 360° assessment might involve feedback from varying levels of leadership surrounding an individual. The Leadership Circle Profile™ is unique because it is the only assessment that measures Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. The insight it offers is proven to be invaluable in improving self-awareness and overall leadership effectiveness.

There are several key components of The Leadership Circle Profile™, including:

Creative Competencies measure how you relate to others and yourself, act with integrity, lead with vision, and achieve results. High scores in the Creative dimensions correlate to high levels of leadership performance.

Reactive Tendencies measure beliefs and assumptions that limit effectiveness, authentic expression, and empowering leadership while overemphasizing caution, external approval, self-protection, aggression and control. High scores in the Reactive dimension correspond with low scores in the Creative dimensions and correlate to low leadership effectiveness.

Internal Operating Systems are internal assumptions that impact behaviours, habits, and motivations. The LCP is unique in its evaluation of an individual’s Internal Operating System and how it can translate into leadership styles. Recognizing that change occurs from the inside out can be transformative.

Inner & Outer Circles are displayed on the sample LCP graph and can invoke curiousity at first glance. The outer circle displays results for the 18 Creative Competencies and 11 Reactive Tendencies, while the inner circle summarizes the data into eight summary scores. Adjacent dimensions describe similar behaviour patterns that are positively correlated, while opposite dimensions represent opposing behaviour patterns and are inversely correlated.

Percentile Scores from the 66th to the 100th percentile are considered strong scores, while medium scores indicate a combination of strengths and opportunities for improvement. A low score is anything in the 33rd percentile or below.

Summary Dimensions are indicated in the inner circle, separate from the basic 29 tendencies and competencies. The Summary Dimensions are meant to provide bottom-line measures while highlighting notable patterns. They include Reactive-Creative Scale, Relationship-Task Balance, Leadership Potential Utilization, and Leadership Effectiveness.

The LCP modality is considered a Universal Model. At LeaderSharp Group, we utilize The Leadership Circle Profile™ as part of our team coaching and executive coaching programs. In our experience, the assessment is effective for high-level executives, managers, senior leaders, and other individuals within an organization that desires to improve their leadership aptitude.

Each LCP takes only about 15-20 minutes to complete. A profile debrief is usually 90 minutes, followed by a leadership coaching engagement to guide the leader through their development opportunities.