
Great Feedback™

How to Hold Coaching
& Development Conversations
Book A Complimentary Consultation

leadership coaching

Master the Art of Constructive Feedback

Have you noticed the phenomenon of individuals joining a company they love and connect with, only to leave due to an issue with their manager?

This is because managers often lack the necessary skills and confidence to establish positive relationships through meaningful conversations. Particularly in the case of performance reviews and feedback, managers often struggle to articulate their thoughts and team members are left dreading what should be honest and constructive conversations.

There is a growing desire for ongoing feedback and coaching rather than once-a-year performance reviews. That’s why LeaderSharp Group developed Great Feedback™, an experiential training for managers at any level.

Are You Ready to Become Better Together?

We Work With
Leaders at All Levels

executive coaching services
executive coaching
executive coaching training
executive coaching
executive coaching companies

Outcomes of Great Feedback™

Effective Coaching
and Development Conversations

Great Feedback™ paves the way for better coaching and development conversations by fostering open and constructive dialogue. The outcomes are continuous growth and more meaningful exchanges that drive success.

Improved Performance,
Motivation and Engagement

When managers provide timely, constructive feedback, they inspire others and foster a sense of ownership in team members. The result is enhanced performance and greater commitment to organizational goals.

Higher Retention
of Valued Employees

Great Feedback™ plays a pivotal role in retaining valued employees. Recognizing and addressing individual needs, providing growth-oriented input, and fostering a supportive environment cultivate a sense of fulfillment, loyalty, and job satisfaction.

Greater Productivity
and Organizational Effectiveness

By offering clear direction, highlighting areas for improvement, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, managers can inspire and optimize performance on both individual and team levels. Greater engagement and productivity always lead to more success.

The Power of Great Feedback™ Conversations

Elements of Constructive Feedback

Key Elements of Constructive Feedback

In order to be effective, constructive feedback should be specific, timely, and relevant to the situation.

Balancing praise and areas for improvement will also help employees feel motivated and empowered. At LeaderSharp, our certified executive coaches provide expert leadership training to managers. If you notice engagement and motivation declining and increased turnover rates in your organization, you may want to consider Great Feedback™ by LeaderSharp.

Creating a Culture of Feedback

Creating a feedback-friendly environment involves building trust, fostering safety, and promoting a growth mindset.

When managers are defensive, narrow-minded or avoid coaching conversations, employees lose trust and motivation and become defensive in return. Encouraging communication, active listening, and respectful dialogue cultivates an atmosphere where feedback is valued. Celebrating learning opportunities nurtures a culture that embraces feedback as a catalyst for growth.

Creating a Culture of Feedback


Based on 6 reviews


We have been clients of LeaderSharp for many years. With the merger of 2 companies with different cultures and management that struggled with communication, Lisa and Chris introduced our team to many new practices that we rely on to this day. From tools for better communication, to introducing peer coaching and mentorship, Great Feedback and developing our corporate values. LeaderSharp set us on a path to creating a great culture where our group deeply cares for each other and everyone strives to better themselves every day. I would highly recommend the LeaderSharp team and we are grateful for all of their help over the years.


As a new company, LeaderSharp skillfully guided us through the development of a mission statement and a set of corporate values that our workforce could buy into. They helped our leadership group come together as a team and start working effectively with open and honest communication. They assisted with documenting our five-year strategic plan and then helped us create focused shorter term goals and objectives for each department to ensure that the company was on track to achieve longer term success. I can highly recommend the LeaderSharp team to help your company achieve its corporate objectives.

Rory Moore, President & CEO,
Arctic Canadian Diamond Company.

Leah Sharpe

I have had the pleasure of being coached by Lisa from LeaderSharp and also working with others from the organization. Lisa's coaching has helped me navigate complicated moments in my career - including my return to work after maternity leave, moving into higher profile and more challenging role, and upping my performance as expectations and environments shifted. Through it all, I felt deeply cared for, like I was being connected to resources, books and articles that helped me reflect and grow, and challenged to let go of old stories about myself that were no longer serving me. I feel the identity work Lisa helped me with has been a game changer -- not only because it allowed me to up my game at work, but because it allowed me to more joyful, authentic and self-authoring in all elements of my life.

Tilak Nithiyeswaran

As one of the executive coaches I have had in my professional career, Chris’s contribution to my leadership development has been transformational. Within just one short year of working with Chris, my self-awareness has increased significantly. As a result, I have been able to gradually recognize and remove, the various colored glasses through which I saw the world around me. Chris has instilled in me a genuine desire to become an even better leader and a genuine desire to create even better business results. I found Chris’s approach to be natural and authentic. He is a master at building buy-in to the changes one must consider for themselves, by getting one to generate the ideas for change, from within. I highly recommend Chris as an executive coach to any high potential leader, committed to taking their game to the next level.

Louise Kyprianou

Have been fortunate to work with LeaderSharp! A responsive organization that is well equipped to handle and support both coaching and other consulting needs. They are professional, engaging and passionate about the work that they do!

Creating Better Leaders
Across the Country

feedback training for managers
feedback training for managers

Frequently Asked Questions

Active listening plays a crucial role in providing feedback. It involves fully engaging with the speaker, paying attention to their words, tone, and non-verbal cues. Active listening demonstrates respect, empathy, and understanding, creating a safe and open space for the exchange of feedback. By actively listening during feedback conversations, you enhance communication, foster meaningful connections, and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes and growth.

Delivering constructive feedback in a positive and impactful manner can involve the following strategies:


  • Start with a positive note
  • Use specific examples
  • Focus on behavior, not the person
  • Be objective and descriptive
  • Offer suggestions and solutions
  • Foster a two-way dialogue
  • Maintain a supportive tone
  • Demonstrate empathy and understanding
  • Follow-up and support


Great Feedback™ by LeaderSharp can help leaders develop these strategies and deliver constructive feedback in a way that promotes growth, maintains a positive relationship, and maximizes the impact of the feedback on individual development and performance.

Most managers and employees dislike formal performance reviews, and many research studies have proven them ineffective. Frequent and ongoing feedback conversations, on the other hand, promote growth, drive performance improvement, enhance self-awareness, build trust and collaboration, align expectations and goals, and encourage a learning culture. By providing valuable insights and guidance, feedback conversations help individuals identify areas for development, adjust their behavior, and improve their overall effectiveness.