
As a new company, LeaderSharp skillfully guided us through the development of a mission statement and a set of corporate values that our workforce could buy into. They helped our leadership group come together as a team and start working effectively with open and honest communication. They assisted with documenting our five-year strategic plan and then helped us create focused shorter term goals and objectives for each department to ensure that the company was on track to achieve longer term success. I can highly recommend the LeaderSharp team to help your company achieve its corporate objectives.

Rory Moore | Arctic Canadian Diamond Company
Working with [LeaderSharp] has been one of the most important influences in my growth as a leader. They have helped me develop an awareness and clarity around my leadership styles along with tools and strategies which have helped make me a more effective leader. [My coach's] in depth experience in leadership development, training and coaching has revealed key areas of focus for my leadership development which has had a significant and positive impact on all areas of my leadership development.

Jeremy Omelchuk | Husky Energy Inc.
We hired LeaderSharp Group to facilitate a series of weekend training courses for 3 projects teams to date with more planned in the future. Our sessions provided great insight into our teams different management styles, helping us navigate the working relationships with our coworkers while providing real tools to identify different emotional triggers and successfully resolve conflict. It is a great team building exercise that allows project teams to understand each other on a more personal level contributing to a healthier work environment. I strongly recommend LeaderSharp for your management training needs.

Shane Cormier | Borea Construction
Have been fortunate to work with LeaderSharp! A responsive organization that is well equipped to handle and support both coaching and other consulting needs. They are professional, engaging and passionate about the work that they do!

Louise Kyprianou | Pomerleau Inc.
Thank you for your contributions on what I think was an invaluable exercise for everyone. I now appreciate more than ever that we will all cherish what we established today because its obvious we all hold our companyās values so closely. Congratulations on building such a bold Company.

Mike George | Steelhaus Technologies Inc.
LeaderSharp was able to provide tangible results. In areas we once struggled as a team we experienced 90%+ improvement. As a team we are much more aligned, happy, and appreciate one anotherās role on the team. The results of the session were significant and to a very large extent, priceless.

MEG Energy
In the midst of uncertainty and being uncomfortable comes clarity and insight. Pretty cool experience... A great coach got me to a deeper understanding of myself that will without a doubt benefit me in my growth as a leader.

Jason Hinchliff | Cenovus
I personally found this session to be so beneficial to help me better understand how to meet the challenges my team has faced and will face in the future. I am still seeing positive effects from our session last week, and we are already incorporating the language and ideas into discussions. I also love the online resource!

Loanne Benner | SAIT
From tools for better communication, to introducing peer coaching and mentorship, Great Feedback and developing our corporate values. LeaderSharp set us on a path to creating a great culture where our group deeply cares for each other and everyone strives to better themselves every day. I would highly recommend the LeaderSharp team and we are grateful for all of their help over the years.
Murray Brack
With their guidance in team building workshops and one on one executive coaching our management group has shifted from a low functioning group to a management team that is committed to communication and holding one another accountable to our commitments.

Ed Vanwieren | SeisWare International Inc.
I strongly recommend Chris and LeaderSharp to any executive who may be experiencing change, looking to move to the next level in their career. An amazing experience that I am grateful to have been given.

Tara Mulrooney | University of Calgary
ā[LeaderSharpās] contribution to my leadership development has been transformational. My self-awareness has increased significantly. I now have a genuine desire to become an even better leader and a genuine desire to create even better business results.

Tilak Nithiyeswaran | Husky Energy Inc.
I think that one of the main reasons that I found the information useful is that I really felt like [the coaches] believed everything they were saying. The fact that they believe in it makes the group believe in it. I have mentioned this training to friends and family and would recommend it for anyone working in a diverse team.

DOW Chemical
They were fully present and authentic which created and held the space for a safe learning environment. The Great Feedback Formula and the Coach Approach are significant tools for any manager's toolbox. I would strongly recommend this training for anyone hoping to enhance their feedback skills for either personal or professional purposes.

Dianna Drews | Catholic Social Services
I think my whole team left feeling positive and appreciative about each other and what they learned. I personally found this session to be so beneficial to help me better understand how to meet the challenges my team has faced and will face in the future. I am still seeing positive effects from our session last week, and we are already incorporating the language and ideas into discussions. I also love the online resource!

Loanne Benner | SAIT
[LeaderSharp's] coaching has enabled me to explore the breadth and depth of leading developmental practices. The coaching with Chris has had a profoundly positive impact on me, and therefore on others around me, both in my professional and personal life. [LeaderSharp] has helped me find a new edge to my personal growth that no other would have so expertly enabled."

Nick Freeman | Alberta Energy Regulator
I found the Insights workshop a great learning experience for confirming self awareness of who you are as well as for generating awareness of those you work with. I strongly believe this information can be used to improve working relationships and build good teams for any organization. Just the right amount of knowledge transfer from a very insightful and capable instructor.

Donald M. Dart | Alberta College of Art & Design
[LeaderSharp facilitators] worked together to customize their Great Feedback workshop to suit the needs of our Management Team. The workshop was a great mix of theory, active learning, and quick reference tools which really resonated with the group. Our Management Team walked away with practical solutions and increased confidence for having difficult and developmental conversations in the workplace.

Kelsey Poxon | Midwest Surveys Inc.
I was identified as a high potential employee by my organization with the ability to ascend to the highest levels provided that I was able to grow emotionally and transcend from being mainly operations focused to being a strategic leader. Over the last 9 months [LeaderSharp] has been able to move me closer to my goals than I have been able to do in the past 10 years.

Rick Filipovic | TESCO Manufacturing
[LeaderSharp] was instrumental in helping to prepare me for my new role as CEO in the company. I and my team have benefited tremendously from my relationship with [LeaderSharp] and I would recommend anyone who is looking for personal development assistance or assistance in preparing for a new and more challenging role to seek out Chris as a personal coach. You wonāt regret it.

Richard Howes | Dundee Precious Metals Inc.
It is with pleasure that I recommend the Great Feedback program delivered by LeaderSharp. The two day program is one of the best hands on learning experiences I have taken to date. Lisa and Chris have an exceptional ability to coach and demonstrate on how to deliver feedback whether it be positive or difficult under a range of circumstances.

Mark Salkeld | Petroleum Services Association of Canada